The Asylum never progressed all the way through Ulduar, 10 or 25 man. There were problems with people being on to run, getting raids together, and just really accomplishing anything over the last summer. After we rose from the proverbial ashes, we dusted ourselves off and gave uldy a few tries before Trial of the Crusader came out. Most of the Asylum wanted to move on to bigger and better things, leaving the unfinished Ulduar behind. Well, while most of our guild has moved past wanting to do Ulduar, there's a group of us that wants to see it until the bitter end.
We schedule our weeks ahead of time, so people can know what runs to expect in the upcoming week. However, that doesn't mean we're limited on what runs we can do, those are just the ones that we put up at the beginning of the week. People are free to pug runs that aren't on the schedule, especially if they have odd raid times. We'd prefer if you get some guildies that want to do it with you, but we won't complain too loudly if you pug it.
Now, this Ulduar run was just thrown together. The GM wanted to finish it and see the final boss, and a group of us agreed that we wanted to as well. Since we typically finish Onyxia as a guild (25 and two to three 10 mans) on Tuesday, and my 10 ToC group finishes on Wednesday, this leaves Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday for our 25 ToC that we're still working on.
This particular Monday night we didn't have anything planned, so we were persuaded into going into our extended 10 Ulduar to see what we could do. Well, we downed Mimiron for the first time, with 5 people up at the very end of the fight. A Shadow priest, who was the last range DPS, was the one that ended up killing the the head with only a few seconds left to spare.
Naturally, vent exploded. A lot of whoops, cheers and hollers filled everyone's ears as we all settled down for a picture to celebrate out victory.

So there you have it folks, what our raiding schedule is like, and our first Mimiron kill.
Life is swell friends, life is swell.
throws in a chance to advertise the guild website!
<3 your GM